About us
We are a young charity, being granted registration by The Charity Commission on 4th December 2020. The driver for this was an Old Askean, Mike Lalley, who wanted to give a substantial donation to Askean RFC.
Askeans supporters comprise a broad group - some are recent supporters, others of many decades standing, some are located locally, others across the globe.
What binds us together, of course, is our love of ‘Askeans’ and commitment to its long-lasting success.

Friends of Askean RFC Charitable Objects are:
To promote community participation in healthy recreation by providing funding to facilitate the playing of rugby, primarily but without limitation through Askean RFC, an open grassroots amateur rugby club, for the benefit of South London, Greenwich and surrounding areas.
As our role, therefore, is to support Askean RFC primarily but without limitation through the raising and dispersal of funds, it was felt that the best form of governance would be achieved as a Charitable Trust - there is no membership, it is run solely by its Trustees and no staff are employed.
It is important to remember that Friends of Askean RFC is a distinct body from Askean RFC and that it is vital that members retain their membership with Askean RFC, as it has excellent benefits – membership of a rugby and social club, voting rights at the AGM and the right to apply for RFU international tickets.
the trustees
There are 4 Trustees:
Paul Walsh – Chair
Ian Johns – Treasurer
Chris Jeffrey – Trustee
Ian Lunn – Trustee
Trustees are volunteers, who are legally responsible for the charity and ensuring the charity is doing what it was set up to do, in line with its charitable objects. Trustees must:
Always act in the charity’s best interests
Manage the charity’s resources responsibly
Ensure the charity is acting within the law
grant making policy (GMP)
The Charity Commission granted registration to Friends of Askean RFC as a ‘Grant Making’ charity and this is enabled fairly through a Grant Making Policy, which is available here.
The Annual Report shows how funds have been raised and disbursed.
The first Annual Report will be published on June 2022.